Postingan Terakhir di Tahun 2011

Hi Guys. Long time no see :) By The Way, besok udah tahun baru 2012, dan ini postingan terakhir gue di tahun 2011. Kalo ngomongin soal kenangan di tahun 2011, banyak banget yang ga bakal bisa gue lupain, dari yg manis sampe yg pahit banget semuanya udah berhasil gue jalanin (y).
Di tahun ini, semuanya spesial, dan di tahun ini pula gue udah kelas 9, dan otomatis taun depan gue udaaaaaah? SMA, tapi mesti UN dulu-____- inilah part yang gak gue suka. Sekolah 3thn ditentuin kelulusannya dalam 4hari-____- udahlah gausah diomongin, udah rada-rada pgn muntah ngomonginnya (?)
Akhir-akhir ini, gue lagi sibuk menyiapkan diri buat try out perdana gue setelah 1minggu masuk sekolah nanti, rada2 tegang sih intinya, dan intinya juga liburan gue jadi gak tenang, udah ada tugas dance buat seni budaya juga, gimana gue bisa nikmatin liburan gue? gimana? gimanaaaaa? *zoom in zoom out* oke lebay. Dan saat gue lg nulis postingan ini, gue baru saja selesai nge-remix lagu. Untuk pemula seperti gue, nge-remix lagu adalah salah satu hal yg amat sangat rumit, tapi finally gue bisaaaaaaaaa, kya kya kyaaaaaaaaa!
Oh iya, liburan gue diisi dengan hal yang amat sangat lazim(?) ngerem diri di rumah dan latian2 dance-_-. ga seru sumpah deh, tapi hari rabu tanggal 28 Desember kemaren......... *eaaaa. Gue sama fadila, risda, dan dini pergi ke Taman Mini, ngapain? wisata edukasi-___- ya enggaklah! gue sama mereka mau piknik bareng bang dikaaaa. kyaaaaaaa! tau gak? Raditya Dika! yeeeeep, trus setelah bang dika dateng kita main games2 gitu dan kyaaaaaaa! gue berhasil memenangkan salah satu dari game'nya dan tadaaaaam!
kyaaaaaaaaaaa! itu gue sama bang dikaaaaa♥

di foto ini sebenernya muka bang dika rada2 absurd ya-_- ini pas kita minta tanda tangannya bang dika muehehe☺

and this, surprise party buat bang dika. cepet move on baaaaang! :p

Pokoknya, di tahun 2011 ini........penuh dengan memori yang gabisa gue lupain, di taun 2011 ini gue bisa ketemu dengan idola2 gue *HAHAHA-_- gue terimakasih banget buat tahun ini yang udah ngejadiin gue (mungkin) lebih baik dari gue yang dulu :') *emotsoktegar*
Dan..... buat tahun 2012, gue harap bakal lebih baik dari tahun ini, dan bisa nge-introspeksi diri gue lebih baik dari tahun 2011. Gue harap gue bisa ngebahagiain orgtua gue di tahun 2012 nanti dengan cara lulus UN dengan nilai yg amat sangat memuaskan :') dan gue bisa masuk ke SMA impian gue :') *amiiin. Sebenernya sih masih banyak banget harapan gue buat tahun 2012, tapi gue gamau muluk-muluk deh mintanya :')
Okay guys, I wanna celebrate my New Years Eve! See ya next year!! Luvyaa♥ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! and ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAAAAAY! ☺☺☺


How to Stop Having Nightmares

Stop Having Nightmares
Dreams can be fun, but not if they quickly turn into nightmares. Here's all you need to know to stop having those scary nightmares!t


  1. 1
    Find a happy place.
     Find a happy place.
    Find a happy place. You don't need to literally surfthe globe, and find a happy place. You can make one up, or base it on a nice place you've been to. No matter what or where it is, just make sure it's calm and relaxing. Also make sure that you don't tell anyone who you don't want appearing there where it is, or else they'll appear in your dream and mess things up. To better visualize your happy place in your dreams, draw a picture.

  2. 2
    Think happy thoughts.
     Think happy thoughts.
    Think happy thoughts. Right before bed, think of extremely happy and nice things happening to you, like flying in the clouds. You should also imagine yourself in your happy place having fun. As soon as something bad begins happening, force yourselfawake. Soon, the bad thoughts will disappear.
  3. 3
    Talk to someone about your dreams.
     Talk to someone about your dreams.
    Talk to someone about your dreams. Find someone who you trust, and explain your dreams. Also explain to them why they scare you. Just letting your feelings out makes things better. You can write this in a Dream Journal, but be aware that sometimes it helps to explain it to someone who you know is listening. Some people can get away with talking to a scarecrow, while others need someone who deeplyunderstands the topic and gives feedback. See what works for you, and regularly explain your nightmares to this person. After a while, they should go away.
  4. 4
    Attempt to manipulate your nightmare.
     Attempt to manipulate your nightmare.
    Attempt to manipulate your nightmare. Some people are better at this than others. See if you can make certain things happen in your dreams, and once you get good at this, you should be able to make the frightening things go away. Don't get frustrated with this, because it comes faster to some people than others. Relax and take your time.
  5. 5
    Relax. Nightmares can also be caused by stress, such as wondering if you will get a job or not. Let go of your worries, and begin having happy dreams again. You can relax by either meditating, or having a nice day at the beach. Just make sure it's a quiet area where you can relax and chill out.


  • Keep and maintain a Dream Journal, even after your nightmares stop.
  • Try talking to different people, and see what works best for you.
  • See what things make the nightmare go away. For instance, if a pig jumps into your dream, do the scary things automatically go away? If they do, then manipulate your dream to make a pig appear whenever something scary comes.


  • If the nightmare doesn't stop after one month, you should seek medical attention. You could be having nightmares because someone close had died, and in this case, it's very hard to get over it. If you are continually having problems getting over something in your life, and you consistently have nightmares about the subject, talk to a professional. They can help you.

How to Forget a Bad Dream

How to Forget a Bad Dream

Everyone needs a good night's sleep, but a bad dream can affect our daily lifestyle.
Sweet Dreams!


  1. 1
    Remember that dreams aren't real. A bad dream might happen if you eat the wrong food before bed, watch something scary or uncomfortable, or because of a problem in your life. If someone dies in your dream, it doesn't mean they will. Stay calm and remember that your dream isn't going to happen.
  2. 2
    BreatheCalm down and just relax. Don't worry about anything. Just think about things that make you happy. Anything that suits you, from your birthday party, to your friend's wedding. It's good to just take a few moments each week to just calm down and recap on the past week.
  3. 3
    Do something to take your mind off it. Whether it's reading a book, watching TV, or calling your friends. Just take a day to unwind and do whatever makes you happy. Dreams usually have a meaning, but some nightmares can just be because of the scary movie you watched the night before. Don't worry about the effect your dreams could be having on you, as they usually just mean nothing.
  4. 4
    Vent your feelings. Tell someone you trust and you know won't laugh or make fun of you. Call your parents, e-mail your friend or just tell them in person. It's better to get things off your chest. Be sure not to scare anyone though.
  5. 5
    Before you go to sleep, just relax. Think good thoughts and try to train your mind to calm down and focus on the happy moments.
  6. 6
    During the day, try to exercise to relieve stress. Bad dreams can be caused by stress, or depression. Exercising is a great way to de-stress yourself, so why not go for a jog in the park? Also, meditation is another good way to calm your whole body down.
  7. 7
    See a therapist or family doctor, if bad dreams become problematic.
  8. 8
    Lucid dreaming may help you get over those bad dreams - check out How to Lucid Dream for more information. Lucid dreaming is where YOU are in control of your dream. It's where you realize YOU are in the dream.dit


  • Get in good sleeping habits. Take a bath, read a book or watch television.
  • Don't think about it!
  • If you need to get back to sleep after a nightmare, the best advice is to make your room completely dark, because any light can cast terrifying shadows if you just had a nightmare. Don't sleep with the light on; it will make everything look scary! Even things like a computer can be a horrible ghost if you are half asleep!
  • Of course, there are some people who are afraid of complete darkness. In that case, leave the door anywhere between a crack open to half open. Then, close your eyes, and don't open them again for any reason whatsoever. (Unless it's time to wake up, then it's a good idea to open them and get out of bed)
  • Warnings

    • If you do eat before bed don't eat heavy foods.
    • Don't watch any scary movies or scary television programs before you sleep.

How To Get Over A Break Up And Forget Sorrow

How To Get Over A Break Up And Forget Sorrow

How To Get Over A Break Up And Move On With Life
When it comes to handling your emotions in a break up you need to give yourself the time to grieve and heal. Rely on your friends and family for support. They will help you face the terms with the reality in your life. If your past relationship did work out never consider it to be a failure. The past relationship should be a learning experience for you. You should take this as an opportunity to improve your personal relationship skills. In this manner you are able to get over the relationship in a much practical manner.
"Get Over A Break Up"
When you have broken up you should be a recluse and sit in the corner of your house. Just because you are no longer a couple does not mean that you stop venturing out. When you are trying to get over your ex you should learn to pamper yourself. Since you are a special person in your own unique way it is important to pamper yourself to feel good in your own way. You can treat yourself to a chocolate or something that you really love to eat. If you are fond of a particular hobby or activity you can do it more often so that you feel good and better in the process.
How To Get Over Being Dumped And Forget The Pain
If you have been dumped and are unable to forget the other person it is mandatory that you seek professional counseling. This can be a form of love addiction that you need to kick. With proper counseling you are able to ensure that you can get over being dumped and forget the pain. After the relationship you will find that there is more than just being romantically involved with a person.
You should take off to be with friends and family. In this manner you will find that they are supporting you in your efforts to get through your break up. After you have broken up you should take time and evaluate on what went wrong in the relationship. There may be the chance of you selecting partners who are incapable of providing you with a mature and loving relationship. If you have been dumped once, you should have the courage to take another chance at a relationship. One failed relationship does not mean that all your relationships will be a failure in the future. You should take time to heal before you enter into another relationship. Never go into a rebound relationship as this will make you feel no better. You will also land up hurting the other person when he/she finds out that you got into the relationship without thoughts.
Get Over Your Ex
When you are making efforts to get over your ex you must do things that give you pleasure. You can join a gym or go on a diet to improve the way you look. The moment you find yourself looking better your self esteem increases and you also feel good too.

How to make a dream come true in 30 days

How to make a dream come true in 30 days

How to make a dream come true in 30 days

1. Realize there’s never going to be a perfect time
The sooner you realize this, the better. You’ll never have time, you’ll never have money and you’ll never feel quite ready to make that big first step. No matter if your dream is to learn a language, move, get an education, start a business, get fit or famous – you’ll always be able to make excuses, find good reasons not to, and keep pushing it back on your to do list.
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.  - Proverb
… And the only fail-proof way of failing is to never plant the tree at all. The first steps are always going to be the hardest. For the most part, we probably wish our dreams were real already! Since you haven’t planted your tree/made your dream come true yet,  you have to make a choice – make it happen – or not. Today is as good as any other day. This year is as good as any other year. You might as well start now.
2. Set a clear goal
Part of what makes NaNoWriMo work so well, is the clear goal. 50, 000 words – and you’re done. 50, ooo words might turn into a short novel, but a novel nonetheless. Most dreams aren’t so quantitative. When can you call yourself a successful business owner? When is your dream of travelling the world complete?
The key to success is to define it. Don’t limit your measuring to math, money or cold hard facts, even keeping a chart recording your mood, stress levels or inspiration can work. A lot of dreams and skills can be measured too – how about setting a goal of passing a language test, painting x number of paintings or start an etsy shop? All of the examples above have a really clear yes/no outcome. You’ll either make it, or not. No matter the outcome, a clear goal will keep you motivated and inspired to keep pushing forward.
3. Set an even clearer deadline
The most important factor by far is your deadline. Without a deadline, most dreamwork will quickly end up on your do-it-later-list. After all, there are so many other deadlines in our lives – work, college/university, friends, family, holidays – the list of obligations and due days goes on and on. How can you expect your dreams to compete if you don’t set a clear date for yourself? It’s easy to think that you’ve got your whole life, and that there will always be tomorrow.
Ideally, you want to make your deadline short. Too short for your own comfort zone. Doing something in 30 days that it usually takes years to accomplish is a little daunting – which is exactly the kind of challenge that will keep you burning, burning burning. If you set your deadline to 30 days or less, you’ll be able to keep an intense schedule without burning out. And it is actually easier to work on something intensely for a month, than slowly for a year.

4. Commit publicly
Telling everyone what you are up to might be a little scary. You’ll probably be afraid you won’t make your goal … and then become the subject of embarrassing public humiliation. Well, that fear, my dear – is your fuel. Make it your friend! If you’re not ready to announce on your Facebook that you’re going to make a huge change in your life – just tell your closest friends. The point isn’t only to get you working because you fear the consequences – telling people what you are up to is also to gather your support team. Make sure you give the people closest to you a chance to cheer you on! And because doing something great usually takes both time and focus, it’s a good idea to warn everyone in advance – most likely they won’t be seeing you much in the period ahead.
5. Divide your tasks into daily goals
Your chance of success is closely related to the failproofness of your plan. For NaNoWriMo, the plan is simple – write 1,667 words every day – and you’ll make it. For other dreams, you will have to make your plan a little more detailed. Keep in mind that not all goals can be achieved in a linear way – if you’re starting a business for example – you’ll most likely see that your sales will go slow in the beginning before they slowly increase. The same goes for learning a language or planning a vacation.
The point is to plan for some work on your project every single day. If you make a clear plan before you start – this will be a lot easier to accomplish.
6. Add a little crazy, magic,  spark
Judging by the fact that you’re still reading this article, you probably already have the crazy-magic-spark-gene. Only people who are crazy, disregard limitations, nature’s laws and have a burning desire will attempt to make a huge dream come true in such a small amount of time! If there’s still something holding you back, you’ll just have to fire up your crazy-magic and do it anyways. I promise you, nothing can really go wrong. If you don’t make it, you can always try again.
7. … And zombies
When you’re writing a novel in 30 days – there will be times when you run out of ideas. And that is when you start adding zombies to your otherwisely very realistic novel. The point is – there will be times in any project when you’re worn out, tired and want to give up. This is when you call in the zombies. Whatever you do – just keep going. Disregard any inner editors who keeps telling you what you’re doing isn’t good enough. Tell your inner critic to get lost and come back after your project is done. Don’t set too high expectations for yourself, you can always do it even better next time.

Dreambank ideas

  • raise x  amount of money for charity in 30 days
  • save x amounts of money to realize a dream in 30 days
  • start an online store and sell x products in 30 days
  • start a blog and get x amounts of subscribers in 30 days
  • write a novel in 30 days
  • learn a language and take a levelled language test in 30 days
  • read x amounts of books in 30 days
  • complete a college or university level class in 30 days
  • plan a trip abroad in 30 days
  • have a no-shopping experiment for 30 days
  • work out 30 minutes every day for 30 days
  • move to a new place in 30 days
  • record your singing and start an online music shop in 30 days
  • go to one new place every day for 30 days
  • organize a retreat, an event or a conference in 30 days
  • plan and host an exhibition and show your art 30 days from now
  • Any more ideas to add to the list?
Good luck to you if you are going to write a novel this month, and to you who are starting similar amazing projects. Remember to take care of yourself. And may the journey be as nourishing, rewarding and great as the destination.