Embarrassing and Funny Experience of Mine!

Funny Experience
An Embarrasing Moments
Well, I wanna tell you my funny experience, or rather my embarrassing moments. I know we all have our moments, but mine was embarrassing though! That moments happened when I was in kindergarten.
            One day, I back to my school with my Auntie because I was forgot my task book. Then, we were arrived at my kindergarten. I was wearing a simple animal prints t-shirt, a short jeans, and flat shoes. At that time, there was still many students playing around the school garden.
            Then, we deciced to go to the teachers room and my classroom. After I reached my task book in my class, I planned to go to my Aunt’s house. But, when we passed the children who were playing in the school garden, they all were laughing at me. I gave them a weird look and I was thinking ‘what happened to me?!’. They were point at me and they can’t stop laugh. So, I asked my Aunt ‘are there anything wrong?’ and she say that ‘everything is okay’ I gave her a weird look, then we kept walking  and got to the car. My Aunt started driving toward her home, but I was still think about what was happened, I was very sad about that incident. And, my Aunt try to comfort me, then she told me that I must forgot that moment. I sighed, exhaled, and looked down my simple short jeans, and ……. “OH MY GOSH!!!!” I shouted. Wanna know what happened? My short jeans was unzipped! So, that’s the reason why  they were laughing at me? What an embarrassing moment! My Aunt was laughing so hard when she realized what happened. She couldn’t stop laughing and giggling. She can’t stop teasing me about this.  It was a foolish moment of mine.
            After that embarrassing moment, we arrived at my Aunt’s house, we watched TV for a while, we were playing Barbie, and etc. And then, she went to the bathroom. I decided to go to the kitchen, I was so hungry at the time. When I looked into the dinner table, there was a cake, umm….. honestly a weird cake, because the shape of the cake was irregular, but cause I was sooooo hungry at that time, I ate that weird cake, and …….. “PHUIHHHHHHHH!” I was throwing up, and then I was looking for the fresh water. I ran into the refrigerator, and I realized there was no fresh water on the refrigerator, and then I drank a glass of milk.  I ran into the sink and cleaned up my messy face, and I heard my Aunt’s yelling,
“What’s happening? Why my kitchen is so messy? OMG! Are you eat that cake, dear?” there was a pause.
“HAHAHA, hun. Why you eat that? You know,that was my failed cake, I forgot to throw it away. I’m so so sorry. How’s the taste? I really am sorry.” She asked.
 “Uhh ……. That was the most salty cake I have ever tried, honestly Auntie” I said.
“Oh I’m so sorry, I put a lot of salt for that. How about we go to the Mall for lunch as an apology?” she winked at me and gave me a small smile.
“Well, that’s a great idea.” I replied.
            After those embarrassing moments, I went to the Mall with my Aunt for had a lunch and refreshing. It was one of the embarrassing moments and funny experience thing that ever happened in my life. Thanks a lot for your attention.

Justin Bieber's Response On Being Replaced

Justin Bieber's Response On Being Replaced
 I do not know if the interview is true or not, but I was very touched by justin answers. I love justin and I will never leave him because I am a true belieber♥ #muchlove
Interviewer: "What does it feel to be changed for another artist, Justin?"
Justin: "It hurts, it hurts a lot... but you know what? I understand my fans because they have told me that I hurt them too with my attitude sometimes and I apologize if I ever hurt them because I know I'm a very impulsive person and I don't even know what I do sometimes, but I'm human and I'm sorry if I ever hurt anyone of them. They get mad at me sometimes on the internet, they think I won't notice what they say about me, but I do. I see everything and it seriously tears me apart when I see that they say "I don't want to be a belieber anymore", you can ask anyone; Ryan, my mom, my dad... anyone. They say that I've changed and... I mean, of course I've changed, I'm not going to be the same 15 year-old kid that most of them discovered on YouTube, I've grown up and my real fans will understand that. But I respect their decision if they go and I love them if they stay with me. If I could, I would hug each one of my beliebers, one by one, the ones who didn't stay and the ones that are still with me, supporting me. I just want them to know that I love them... I love them so much. And I don't say this because of publicity, I just feel like I truly love them, like they have become a really important part of my family and I apologize if I have ever hurt them, I'm a person and I make mistakes. Everything I ask for is: the ones that are still with me, stay with me, because if I ever lose them, I'm going to lose everything. I don't care about the fame, what I care about is if I lose my real beliebers, I'm not going to be able to have them back by my side. I promised them something and they know about it. Everything I have achieved is just because of them, because of their unconditional support, they are the ones who made me into the person that I am today and you can't even imagine how thankful to them I'm for that. Please, don't take my Beliebers away from me, that's everything I'm asking for. Please, stay with me."

Postingan Terakhir di Tahun 2011

Hi Guys. Long time no see :) By The Way, besok udah tahun baru 2012, dan ini postingan terakhir gue di tahun 2011. Kalo ngomongin soal kenangan di tahun 2011, banyak banget yang ga bakal bisa gue lupain, dari yg manis sampe yg pahit banget semuanya udah berhasil gue jalanin (y).
Di tahun ini, semuanya spesial, dan di tahun ini pula gue udah kelas 9, dan otomatis taun depan gue udaaaaaah? SMA, tapi mesti UN dulu-____- inilah part yang gak gue suka. Sekolah 3thn ditentuin kelulusannya dalam 4hari-____- udahlah gausah diomongin, udah rada-rada pgn muntah ngomonginnya (?)
Akhir-akhir ini, gue lagi sibuk menyiapkan diri buat try out perdana gue setelah 1minggu masuk sekolah nanti, rada2 tegang sih intinya, dan intinya juga liburan gue jadi gak tenang, udah ada tugas dance buat seni budaya juga, gimana gue bisa nikmatin liburan gue? gimana? gimanaaaaa? *zoom in zoom out* oke lebay. Dan saat gue lg nulis postingan ini, gue baru saja selesai nge-remix lagu. Untuk pemula seperti gue, nge-remix lagu adalah salah satu hal yg amat sangat rumit, tapi finally gue bisaaaaaaaaa, kya kya kyaaaaaaaaa!
Oh iya, liburan gue diisi dengan hal yang amat sangat lazim(?) ngerem diri di rumah dan latian2 dance-_-. ga seru sumpah deh, tapi hari rabu tanggal 28 Desember kemaren......... *eaaaa. Gue sama fadila, risda, dan dini pergi ke Taman Mini, ngapain? wisata edukasi-___- ya enggaklah! gue sama mereka mau piknik bareng bang dikaaaa. kyaaaaaaa! tau gak? Raditya Dika! yeeeeep, trus setelah bang dika dateng kita main games2 gitu dan kyaaaaaaa! gue berhasil memenangkan salah satu dari game'nya dan tadaaaaam!
kyaaaaaaaaaaa! itu gue sama bang dikaaaaa♥

di foto ini sebenernya muka bang dika rada2 absurd ya-_- ini pas kita minta tanda tangannya bang dika muehehe☺

and this, surprise party buat bang dika. cepet move on baaaaang! :p

Pokoknya, di tahun 2011 ini........penuh dengan memori yang gabisa gue lupain, di taun 2011 ini gue bisa ketemu dengan idola2 gue *HAHAHA-_- gue terimakasih banget buat tahun ini yang udah ngejadiin gue (mungkin) lebih baik dari gue yang dulu :') *emotsoktegar*
Dan..... buat tahun 2012, gue harap bakal lebih baik dari tahun ini, dan bisa nge-introspeksi diri gue lebih baik dari tahun 2011. Gue harap gue bisa ngebahagiain orgtua gue di tahun 2012 nanti dengan cara lulus UN dengan nilai yg amat sangat memuaskan :') dan gue bisa masuk ke SMA impian gue :') *amiiin. Sebenernya sih masih banyak banget harapan gue buat tahun 2012, tapi gue gamau muluk-muluk deh mintanya :')
Okay guys, I wanna celebrate my New Years Eve! See ya next year!! Luvyaa♥ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! and ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAAAAAY! ☺☺☺


How to Stop Having Nightmares

Stop Having Nightmares
Dreams can be fun, but not if they quickly turn into nightmares. Here's all you need to know to stop having those scary nightmares!t


  1. 1
    Find a happy place.
     Find a happy place.
    Find a happy place. You don't need to literally surfthe globe, and find a happy place. You can make one up, or base it on a nice place you've been to. No matter what or where it is, just make sure it's calm and relaxing. Also make sure that you don't tell anyone who you don't want appearing there where it is, or else they'll appear in your dream and mess things up. To better visualize your happy place in your dreams, draw a picture.

  2. 2
    Think happy thoughts.
     Think happy thoughts.
    Think happy thoughts. Right before bed, think of extremely happy and nice things happening to you, like flying in the clouds. You should also imagine yourself in your happy place having fun. As soon as something bad begins happening, force yourselfawake. Soon, the bad thoughts will disappear.
  3. 3
    Talk to someone about your dreams.
     Talk to someone about your dreams.
    Talk to someone about your dreams. Find someone who you trust, and explain your dreams. Also explain to them why they scare you. Just letting your feelings out makes things better. You can write this in a Dream Journal, but be aware that sometimes it helps to explain it to someone who you know is listening. Some people can get away with talking to a scarecrow, while others need someone who deeplyunderstands the topic and gives feedback. See what works for you, and regularly explain your nightmares to this person. After a while, they should go away.
  4. 4
    Attempt to manipulate your nightmare.
     Attempt to manipulate your nightmare.
    Attempt to manipulate your nightmare. Some people are better at this than others. See if you can make certain things happen in your dreams, and once you get good at this, you should be able to make the frightening things go away. Don't get frustrated with this, because it comes faster to some people than others. Relax and take your time.
  5. 5
    Relax. Nightmares can also be caused by stress, such as wondering if you will get a job or not. Let go of your worries, and begin having happy dreams again. You can relax by either meditating, or having a nice day at the beach. Just make sure it's a quiet area where you can relax and chill out.


  • Keep and maintain a Dream Journal, even after your nightmares stop.
  • Try talking to different people, and see what works best for you.
  • See what things make the nightmare go away. For instance, if a pig jumps into your dream, do the scary things automatically go away? If they do, then manipulate your dream to make a pig appear whenever something scary comes.


  • If the nightmare doesn't stop after one month, you should seek medical attention. You could be having nightmares because someone close had died, and in this case, it's very hard to get over it. If you are continually having problems getting over something in your life, and you consistently have nightmares about the subject, talk to a professional. They can help you.

How to Forget a Bad Dream

How to Forget a Bad Dream

Everyone needs a good night's sleep, but a bad dream can affect our daily lifestyle.
Sweet Dreams!


  1. 1
    Remember that dreams aren't real. A bad dream might happen if you eat the wrong food before bed, watch something scary or uncomfortable, or because of a problem in your life. If someone dies in your dream, it doesn't mean they will. Stay calm and remember that your dream isn't going to happen.
  2. 2
    BreatheCalm down and just relax. Don't worry about anything. Just think about things that make you happy. Anything that suits you, from your birthday party, to your friend's wedding. It's good to just take a few moments each week to just calm down and recap on the past week.
  3. 3
    Do something to take your mind off it. Whether it's reading a book, watching TV, or calling your friends. Just take a day to unwind and do whatever makes you happy. Dreams usually have a meaning, but some nightmares can just be because of the scary movie you watched the night before. Don't worry about the effect your dreams could be having on you, as they usually just mean nothing.
  4. 4
    Vent your feelings. Tell someone you trust and you know won't laugh or make fun of you. Call your parents, e-mail your friend or just tell them in person. It's better to get things off your chest. Be sure not to scare anyone though.
  5. 5
    Before you go to sleep, just relax. Think good thoughts and try to train your mind to calm down and focus on the happy moments.
  6. 6
    During the day, try to exercise to relieve stress. Bad dreams can be caused by stress, or depression. Exercising is a great way to de-stress yourself, so why not go for a jog in the park? Also, meditation is another good way to calm your whole body down.
  7. 7
    See a therapist or family doctor, if bad dreams become problematic.
  8. 8
    Lucid dreaming may help you get over those bad dreams - check out How to Lucid Dream for more information. Lucid dreaming is where YOU are in control of your dream. It's where you realize YOU are in the dream.dit


  • Get in good sleeping habits. Take a bath, read a book or watch television.
  • Don't think about it!
  • If you need to get back to sleep after a nightmare, the best advice is to make your room completely dark, because any light can cast terrifying shadows if you just had a nightmare. Don't sleep with the light on; it will make everything look scary! Even things like a computer can be a horrible ghost if you are half asleep!
  • Of course, there are some people who are afraid of complete darkness. In that case, leave the door anywhere between a crack open to half open. Then, close your eyes, and don't open them again for any reason whatsoever. (Unless it's time to wake up, then it's a good idea to open them and get out of bed)
  • Warnings

    • If you do eat before bed don't eat heavy foods.
    • Don't watch any scary movies or scary television programs before you sleep.